
Bangsite® 3-Pack

For ALL Models

300 Shots = 3ea. Bangsite® tubes.
Need to order Spark Plugs? - sold separately...$2.00 per 3-Pack (0.75 each)

Bangsite® is pulverized calcium carbide.

Mixes with water and a spark to create loud BANG and realistic FLASH of LIGHT!

[$31.50 Value...$10.50 per tube x 3 tubes for $25.00]

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Bangsite® dimensions: 5.5 x 1.8 x 1.5 inches; 1.9oz. gross wt. 

First Use and Use in Commerce:  Dec. 01, 1917

[For Loudest Bang (per our scientific testing)...add the following amount of water:

6F/60MM (9"L)...1 oz.; 10FC/105MM (17"L)...1 1/2 oz.; 15FC/155MM (25"L)...2 oz.;

5TR/5TY...1 oz.; 11PR/11PY...2 oz.; 16F Series...3 oz.] 




Bangsite® is pulverized calcium carbide - approx. 100 BIG BANGS per 1 Bangsite®!


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