
Big-Bang Theory

The appeal of a Big-Bang® Cannon is simple - a scale-model toy cannon that makes a loud bang and flash, but has no recoil or kick. They've been a favorite from generation to generation. They're a safe alternative to consumer fireworks ... a source of fun at all outdoor gatherings ... a display piece and collector's item ... a family keepsake ... a unique gift for all occasions.

Big-Bang® Cannons are easy to use. Water, some fresh air, Bangsite® and a spark is all you'll need to fire the cannon.

The "ammunition," Bangsite®, is a nonflammable mix of pulverized calcium carbide that "blasts" only when struck with the cannon's firing pin. As promised in an early Big-Bang® Cannon advertisement, it's as "harmless as a popgun."

Big-Bang® Cannons have withstood the test of time - their vintage design continues to this day. 


Big-Bang® Cannons only used with Bangsite® Ammunition. The Conestoga Company assumes no responsibility for abuse or misuse of its products.

Any alteration or modification of a Big-Bang® Cannon is strictly prohibited.

All children under Age of 16 should have Adult Supervision.

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